JMSI has a full staff of certified and licensed Asbestos and Lead Professionals, Indoor Air Quality Professionals, Right-to-Know/MSDS Compliance Inspectors, Waste Chemical Lab Packing Technicians and Mold Remediation Technicians

Jeff J. Miller Founder and President
*20 Years Experience in Environmental Consulting

Right-to-Know Compliance Inspector, Lead Hazard Inspector,Lead Hazard Risk Assessor, Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner , Asbestos Project Designer, Mold Remediation Project Supervisor, NIOSH 582 Accredited Air Monitoring Technician

Melinda L. Malia *10 Year Employee

Right-to-Know Compliance Data Entry,
Right-to-Know Compliance/MSDS File Production

David J. Roberts Field Supervisor *9 Year Employee

Right-to-Know Compliance Inspector, Lead Hazard Inspector,
Lead Hazard Risk Assessor, Asbestos Building Inspector,
Asbestos Abatement Project Supervisor,
Mold Remediation Project Supervisor,
NIOSH 582 Accredited Air Monitoring Technician

Donna M. Savoca *7 Year Employee

Right-to-Know Compliance Data Entry, MSDS Specialist,
MSDS Data Base and Website Manager

Kelli A. Spess *4 Year Employee

Asbestos Inspection Reporting, Lead Based Paint Inspection Reporting
Right-to-Know Compliance/MSDS File Production

Jack Henry *4 Year Employee

Right-to-Know Compliance Inspector, Asbestos Building Inspector,
Asbestos Abatement Project Supervisor,
NIOSH 582 Accredited Air Monitoring Technician

Josh Henry *4 Year Employee

Mold Remediation Project Supervisor, Asbestos Abatement Project Supervisor, NIOSH 582 Accredited Air Monitoring Technician

Dave Gula *4 Year Employee

Mold Remediation Project Supervisor, Asbestos Abatement Project Supervisor, NIOSH 582 Accredited Air Monitoring Technician,
Right-to-Know Compliance Inspector

Rick Janov Our Newest Employee

Asbestos Building Inspector, Asbestos Abatement Project Supervisor, Air Monitoring Technician, Right-to-Know Compliance Inspector


Jake’s office hours are spent mostly doing homework, coloring, collecting hole punch debris from the copiers and surfing the net for sports info


Mira’s office hours are spent mostly doing homework, coloring and surfing the net.